2023 Program

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Download the full program [PDF]

Full list of abstracts [web]


17:30-19:30 Welcome reception

19:00-21:00 Software Carpentry Workshop I (Introductory)

Session I: Tidyverse R – This is an introduction to the Tidyverse, a collection of R packages that is designed for data science analysis and visualization. The lesson will focus on manipulating, analyzing, and visualization of tabular datasets. There will be food! Sponsored by UW eSciences. Register in advance here; drop-in space may be available on a limited basis.


7:30-8:00 Registration opens

8:00-8:15 Welcoming Remarks

8:15-10:10 Invited session: 30 years of normalization in the visual system 

The modern view of neuronal normalization dates back to the late 80s and early 90s and in particular, to a paper published in 1992 by David Heeger entitled "Normalization of Cell Responses in Cat Visual Cortex" in which a single, elegant model of contrast gain control was shown to explain much of the then current literature on early visual processing. Thirty years later, normalization appears to be one of a set of fundamental 'canonical computations' that can used to explain how the brain works. This session features four speakers who have used neuronal normalization to explain different aspects of vision in a modern context including binocular combination, attention and adaptation.  

Moderator: Geoffrey M. Boynton, University of Washington

10:10-10:30 Break

10:30-12:00 Contributed talks I

Moderator: Robert Cooper, Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin

12:00-13:15 Lunch  (on your own - check out the full program [PDF] for local recommendations!)

13:15–15:10 Invited session: Retinal remodeling and regeneration

Regenerative therapies aim to restore light sensitivity to blind retina or prevent further vision loss by replacing compromised or degenerated retinal tissues with new healthy cells. While these approaches have the potential to deliver high quality restored vision they must also contend with anatomical and physiological changes that occur in the remaining retinal architecture after vision loss. This session will cover the latest advances in cell transplantation & regeneration and consider how native retinal circuits adapt and remodel in the face of retinal degeneration.

Moderator: Ala Moshiri, UC Davis

15:10-15:30 Break

15:30-17:00 Poster Session I

17:00-18:30 Tillyer Lecture: Andrew Watson, Apple 

Computational modeling of vision: Ten lessons
Computational models are the means by which we test our ideas about how vision works. They have well-defined inputs, that bear some defined relation to the light impinging on the eyes. And they have well defined quantitative outputs, that relate to human judgements. Their success can be judged by how well they predict those human judgements, by how broad the range of conditions they encompass, and possibly by how well their internals match the neurophysiology. Tangentially, they may be judged by how useful they are in practical applications. In this talk I will share a few lessons that I have learned from my adventures in modeling of human vision.

18:30-20:30 Software Carpentry Workshop II

Session II: TensorFlow Python – This is an introduction to TensorFlow in Python, a library first developed at Google as a tool for machine learning applications. The lesson will focus on implementing, training, and evaluating a simple, convolutional neural network. There will be food! Sponsored by UW eSciences. Register in advance here; drop-in space may be available on a limited basis.


7:30-8:00 Registration open

8:00-9:55 Invited session: Diversity in chromatic processing across the animal kingdom 

Color is an important feature of objects in the visual environment. While the neural transformations underlying color perception have received much attention in the primate visual system, the broader animal kingdom exhibits a diverse set of schemes for encoding and processing chromatic information. This session will survey the neural organization of color pathways in a selection of primate and non-primate species, and will examine how those pathways can be used to extract ecologically-relevant signals that guide behavior.

Moderator: David Brainard, University of Pennsylvania

9:55-10:15 Break

10:15-11:45 Contributed talks II

Moderator: Robert Zawadzki, University of California, Davis

11:45-13:30 Lunch  (provided)

12:00-13:30 Poster Session II 

13:30-15:25 Invited session: Extended reality – Applications in vision science & beyond 

Extended reality display systems offer the unique opportunity to blend the precise stimulus control of laboratory-based psychophysical experiments with the detailed, naturalistic environments encountered in our everyday visual experience. This session will cover applications of extended reality in four broad areas – depth perception, gaze tracking, driving with low vision and assistive technology for low vision. 

Moderator: Jorge Otero-Millan, UC Berkeley

15:25-15:45 Break

15:45-16:45 Boynton Lecture: Rachel Wong, University of Washington

Wiring specificity and plasticity of the vertebrate retina
Vision relies on the output of the many functionally distinct and precisely wired circuits of the retina. Using transgenic techniques, imaging methods and electrophysiology, we seek to uncover the developmental mechanisms that help establish the wiring specificity of retinal circuits in vertebrates. Moreover, because injury or disease can cause rewiring after maturation, we are also reconstructing primate retinal circuits impacted by the loss of input, in order to identify the challenges to circuit repair.

16:45-17:30 FVM Business Meeting (all welcome)

18:00-21:30 Lake Union Cruise  (dinner provided)

Meet at the dock (map) - boarding begins at 18:00, arrive before 18:20 or you'll miss it! Check out the full program [PDF] for details. 

Sun OCT 8

7:30-8:00 Registration open

8:00-9:55 Invited session: Binocular vision & interactions

Binocular vision shapes our ability to perceive and act on our environments, guiding our visuomotor interactions with the objects around us. Speakers in this session will discuss how stereo vision and 3D perception guide movement and support our ability to interact with the world, and how we can use clinical applications and augmented/virtual reality approaches to understand how the human visual system processes depth information under typical and atypical conditions.

Moderator: Deborah Giaschi, University of British Columbia

9:55-10:15 Break

10:15-11:45 Contributed talks III 

Moderator: Ravi Jonnal, University of California, Davis

11:45-12:00 Concluding remarks

Thank you to our 2023 Meeting Sponsors

UW Medicine Department of Ophthalmology

Reality Labs Research

UW Center for Human Neuroscience


UW eScience Institute

C. Light Technologies